Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy IBCLC Day!

Happy IBCLC Day! Since I didn't get around to be preparing a post, I'm throwing another breastfeeding-theme link party:

* Dou-la-la on loving her IBCLC, finding a good one, and why we need them.

* More about telling the real IBCLCs from the not-so-real.

* ILCA has an appreciation certificate to give to your favorite IBCLC.

* An IBCLC shares her personal story of overcoming challenges breastfeeding a baby with Kabuki syndrome.

Many mothers are talking today about how grateful they are for the IBCLCs who helped them feed their babies. I have a bit of a different take: I want to reiterate my gratitude for the IBCLCs who are stepping up to help train the next generation -- especially the ones who inspired and trained me, and continue to teach me every time I work with them. Without them, I could never have achieved my dream and I am so grateful!

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