Monday, March 1, 2010

U.S. midwives in Senegal

Via a blog by DC-based midwifery students about their trip to work with a maternity clinic in Senegal. Fascinating stories and pictures, and a window on to the realities of accessing medical care in developing countries:

We discuss options for getting this baby out now. Recommendation—immediate transfer.

But as I was to learn, the decision to transfer involves three levels of decisions:

* The medical recommendation that a transfer is the only available solution in this situation;
* The family’s agreement on this recommendation—which involves getting a complicated set of approvals from various family members and money with which to pay for the transfer; and
* Access to transfer—collecting money to pay for the ambulance and the ability to get the ambulance here from Ziguinchor

Check out all the entries - a multi-layered look at traditional birthing practices, medical management, and cultural and social factors, from practitioners striving to come with an open mind:

We are not arrogant or neo-colonialist enough to carry ourselves as if we are here to bring our view of midwifery to Africa. We are here to bring our skills and information and assistance to our Sista-midwives and to help the women who are birthing. We teach and learn from each other.


Emily said...

Thanks for the link!

I awarded you a blogger award! :)

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the award!! :-)