Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cesarean vs. VBAC

Via The Unnecesarean, who says "Alexandra Orchard is my personal hero":

Cesarean vs. VBAC: A Dramatic Difference from Alexandra Orchard on Vimeo.

While there are a lot of things I loved about this video (the honest portrayal of cesarean surgery, for one), the letter is what really blows me away. I would love it if more women who are disappointed with their care providers and hospitals openly expressed that disappointment. Nothing is going to change without better communication and who better to speak than someone speaking from immediate personal experience? It's hard for doulas to push that too much with individual clients, but it is inspiring when women and their families take the lead.


Dou-la-la said...

Did you also catch that the mom herself went on to become a home birth midwife after this? Here's her site:

Amazing, eh? The whole journey.

Rebecca said...

Yes! Fantastic. I once heard Christy Hall, the woman who started the Birth Attendants prison doula project talk about how experiences can radicalize people, and that birth is one of those.